muses and marks

muses and marks

marks, masks, motifs, and logic

configure ground - static

configure ground - dynamic
left 1 and 2: muses and marks. these projects were done in order to explore different ways marks can be made on museum board. for the version on the far left, i made marks by whipping ink on the board with a fiber optic whip, stepping on the board with ink on my shoe, and burning it. for the version next to it, i made marks with covid swabs, toilet paper, and masks.
middle: marks, masks, motifs, and logic. this project built off of the muses and marks piece where i used covid swabs, toilet paper, and masks. for this project, i zoomed in on one of the dendritic forms above the person, cropped it to be a square, and then scaled, mirrored, and rotated it in order to create a unique pattern.
right 4 and 5: configure ground. for this project, i also used the same dendritic form i selected for the marks, masks, motifs, and logic project. however, the goal here was to separate the negative and positive space elements of the section and then use the pieces to create one composition that was static and one that was dynamic.
medium: ink on museum board.
dimensions: 10" x 16".